
With my show scripted and the layout sorted… i need to sort out what exactly it is i will be doing whilst the videos play.

I have attended a performance work shop this week with Aine Phillips, a performance artist as seen below.

Redress 2010.mp4 (2011)

What Aine taught us was a lot about movement and control within the body. We spend 15 minutes blindfolded, wandering around campus and town with a stranger to trust to guide us well. It was surprising how much you suddenly feel your limbs and you become aware of movement once you take a sensory away. Without eye sight, i was no longer conforming to a natural way of walking or moving my body and it felt good to not see others watching. As the workshop continued we focused on expressing certain parts of our bodies. I chose my Achilles. We had 2 minutes on stage to express this one body part in every different way possible, letting their be no limits to the art of movement.

an important message that came out of this session was:


So, with my performance in mind, i had to stop thinking too deeply into what i was going to do with my movement for the first Butterfly projection. I know i want to be happy, as if in a daydream and to mimic the soft gentle flow of a butterfly…

As Bruno and Dixon repeat in my head,

‘free yourself physically’ (Bruno and Dixon, 2015)…


i could have a net drop on me as if i am a butterfly getting captured?

hmm… would that be messy and confusing?

I think yes. Simple remember…

If i aim to put on a suit later in the show, perhaps it covers my colours…

With this i think i will cover my body in glitter, and colour, as if i myself am the butterfly. And the suit represents the trap.

What about the daydream movement?

Okay, so what objects are found in an office… a desk, a computer, lamps, a fan…

A fan

The fan can blow my wings!

So today i went into a charity shop and found a dress covered in butterfly patterns. I cut it into a long stretch of material and attached it to the back of my bralette. Using hairbands on each wrist i attached the ends to my hands and as i move my hands upwards, the material becomes wings! Using the fan in the office to blow them gently and glitter to accompany my body i become a butterfly in this moment. A half-a-job-Bob vibe comes with this, and it’s exactly what i want to create. I am clearly not a butterfly, but it is child-like, fun and  there’s an innocence to it. With the freedom also included in the fact that i will be in a bralette, the covering of the suit will seem more unnatural and that is exactly what i want to represent.


Redress 2010.mp4 (2011) Youtube video added by Aine Phillips. Available at

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